Principles of signaling pathway modulation for enhancing human naive pluripotency induction



•Inhibition of SRC, PKC, and WNT consolidates human naive pluripotency induction•Competitiveness p53 depleted PSCs in cross-species chimeric embryos•Opposing net effect for ACTIVIN on mouse versus pluripotency•2i ERKi independent alternative naive-like PSC conditions Isolating MEK/ERK signaling-independent pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) with characteristics while maintaining differentiation competence (epi)genetic integrity remains challenging. Here, we engineer reporter systems that allow the screening defined induce molecular functional features pluripotency. Synergistic inhibition WNT/?-CATENIN, protein kinase C (PKC), SRC signaling induction teratoma-competent PSCs, capacity to differentiate into trophoblast (TSCs) extraembryonic endodermal (nEND) vitro. Divergent transcriptional requirements boosting were found between human. P53 depletion hPSCs increased their contribution mouse-human embryos upon priming differentiation. 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عنوان ژورنال: Cell Stem Cell

سال: 2021

ISSN: ['1934-5909', '1875-9777']